Predicting the WotLK release date

Blizzard announced the release date of WotLK as 11/13/08. I put together a spreadsheet comparing the TBC rollout with WotLK.
The Alpha and the Beta both took about twice as long to move to the next stage, but the 2-month length between announcement and release are about the same.
My guild has stopped raiding, as has the loose association of guilds and most of the server. I'm at about 130k in cash, with maybe 300 slots of herbs (12k conservatively). I was slow in collecting herbs, being caught off-guard by the announcement that Inscription will come in patch 3.0, before the expansion.
Babka and Cheskie are both 66, but I am waiting for the increased leveling rate in patch 3.0 before playing them further. Babka will pick up Inscription as his second profession then.
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