Thursday, July 28, 2005

59 is the funnest level

I keep a real-life blog at, but this space will devoted to my World of Warcraft adventures. I picked blogspot because of two reasons:
  1. Tobold writes an excellent WoW blog here.
  2. Google owns blogspot/blogger.
My main is a human paladin, level 59, retri speced. I play on the Bloodhoof server (PvE) and am in the Dire Watch guild. I'm having so much fun with my paladin now because all of my quests are green, or at most yellow, and I can solve them with ease. I just run around lands asking, "Who's next to get their axe kicked?" I am the Big Swinging Dirk of the jungle.

Once I hit 60, life will be less fun since exp will become meaningless. I don't like PvP dueling, and I don't look forward to disorganized large raid groups. Maybe I'll join my guidies in some raid groups occasionally. But mostly I'll try to make money by crafting and arbitrage at the AH. I'll try to avoid farming because it's boring and pisses off real players. My profits will go into the Epic Mount Fund, or to building alts.

At lunch today I ran through Felwood and finished off three quests during lunch: killing the elementals (guarded by a wandering elite infernal), and two in Shadow Hold. The latter was interesting because I ran into a 59 Tauren Druid, and we informally paired up. Since he was Horde, we couldn't party, buff each other, or even speak the same language. I gained his trust by beating up on one of two mobs that he was fighting, and then bowed to him. He thanked me, and we went through alternating first-hits to get loot. In no time we had finished Dousing the Flames and Retribution of the Light (killing the succubus). But I had to leave early because my extended lunch hour was over. I /thanked him, /apologized, and hearthed back to Auberdine.