Friday, July 11, 2008

Update on past 1.5 years of WoW

I bet Blogger will be around for a long time, so I'd like to do a quick update snapshot of my WoW life.

1/07 - The Burning Crusade expansion is released. I level to 300 jewelcrafting in the first 3 hours (12:30AM - 3:30AM) and go on to turn in quests until 9AM, hitting level 60.7.

2/07 - Hit level 70. Finish unloading all of my stockpiled jewelcrafting materials, ending with a cash position of 9k gold.

3/07 - Begin working on Karazhan. My guild, Conquest, begins falling apart because of a difference in officers' and hardcore raiders' opinions on when to start Karazhan.

4/07 - I leave Kalecgos to go to Zangarmarsh and join Tony's guild, Chosen of Valhalla. I become physical DPS lead, and eventually raid leader and tank class lead.

8/07 - I main-tank a Prince kill. Mike Lee transfers servers to join CoV.

10/07 - Begin leveling Babka (paladin) and Cheskie (priest) with June.

3/08 - CoV dissolves, around the time June and I take our Pacific big trip. The raiders go to Driven in 3/08, short-lived because of friction on both sides and a lack of raids.

5/08 - A few raiders including myself go to Escapism. We begin raiding Tier5 instances (SSC and TK). Because of the 3x/week raid schedule, I take a break from PvP.

6/08 - Arena season 4 finally begins. Begin selling off hoarded gems.

7/08 - After 2 months of trying T5 bosses (3/5 TK, 3/5 SSC), we decide to try Mount Hyjal (T6). Because of PvP and badge gear, much of the T5 gear is disenchanted anyway. Cheskie and Babka hit level 60. Buy a guild with 3 bank tabs for my alts. Cash position is around 75k on Alliance, 15k on Horde. Closing in on Blizzard's gold cap: 214,748 (2^31).

There are 4 activities I am trying to balance, always striking where the iron is hot:
1) Main PvE advancement (raiding)
2) Main PvP advancement
3) Making money on the Auction House
4) Playing alts with June or other friends

Right now #1 is hot, as our guild is willing to push towards harder content. But if we stop raiding, I may go back to #2. I might do more #2 just for fun with Mike.